Locations in Petersfield, Bordon, Godalming and Chichester
07932 671203
Why choose family mediation?
Family mediation can help separating and divorcing couples to reach agreement over arrangements for children and financial issues. It is a less stressful and cheaper alternative to the Court process. It is about looking forward, to find a solution that is practical, realistic and workable. It is now a requirement for most couples to attempt family mediation as an alternative before starting Court proceedings.
Family mediation - an introduction
A trained, impartial and independent mediator will guide the parties through the process. Face to face meetings will help you to reach a written agreement which can then be made into a legal agreement with approval from a Court. The sessions are confidential and attending is voluntary.
I understand that this can be a difficult time, and I will strive to provide a supportive and constructive environment to help you move forward. The mediation sessions can be arranged at a mutually convenient time and location to suit you both.
What issues can family mediation help with?
The mediation sessions can be tailored to the individual needs of your family but can include:
Parenting issues such as :
when and where the children will spend time with each of you
helping grandparents keep in contact with their grandchildren
agreeing child maintenance and support payments
arrangements for school holidays and key events such as Christmas, birthdays etc.
any other issues you wish to agree on – such as schooling, holidays, relocation, change of name, introducing new partners
Financial & Property issues such as :
how your assets will be divided
what happens to your family home, including who will move out and when this will happen
support payments to be made
division of pensions and investments
spousal maintenance
how any upcoming bills will be settled
how any debts or other liabilities will be allocated
Why do people choose family mediation?
By choosing family mediation you may find that:
You have more control over the process and negotiations
You are able to tailor the process to your own needs and circumstances
It's often much quicker - mediation can often reach a resolution in six months
It’s often cheaper than going to Court
You avoid the emotional stress of being in Court
It can help minimise disruption for children or other family members
It can help maintain a good relationship with ex-partners and improve communication so that you can co-parent together in the future
It can achieve a more creative and bespoke solution than would be imposed by a Court or through a traditional adversarial approach
It is confidential, offering families a safe and neutral space to resolve the issues they are facing
You can use family mediation at any time, whenever an issue arises.
Sophie made me feel at ease, knowing it was a tough experience for me and my family
Sophie was amazing with her response times and her communication
Sophie was calm and welcoming